According to the Regulations Governing the Use of Uniform Invoices, once an invoice has been issued, it cannot be changed to a different type. Please confirm your invoice selection at the time of purchase. We have duly fulfilled our obligations to inform you of this matter and in compliance with the National Taxation Bureau's policy to discourage the exchange of duplicate invoices for triplicate invoices, we reserve the right to refuse to change the type of invoice after considering all factors. If there is an error in the information filled, please cancel your order and place a new one as soon as possible.
The types of electronic invoices issued by our system are as follows:
1. Travel agencies receive three-part invoices, while individuals receive two-part invoices.
2. If individuals on a self-guided tour need to purchase tickets as a company, please register using the company name and fill in the unified number for the invoice type at the time of order.
3. Once an invoice is issued, the type cannot be changed.
If there is an error in a triplicate electronic invoice, please contact customer service via email ( within 5 calendar days of the invoice issuance, providing the order number, invoice number and the reason for the error. Our staff will notify you by email. (Please note that the original invoice will be voided, and a new invoice will be issued, which may take approximately 15 business days.)
Q2: Can I specify the date, item, or amount on the invoice?
Invoices and corresponding invoice numbers are allocated and issued automatically by the system on the payment remittance date (not the order date). Therefore, the invoice will reflect the item names and amounts based on your order at the time of purchase and you cannot specify different item names, amounts or invoice dates.